The Comprehensive Birth Chart (CBC) Analysis system was introduced by Maharishi to take into account the influence of your close living family members, which allows the Jyotish Pandits to make the most precise and detailed predictions.

It is not mandatory to add any relatives (or key leaders if a business) to register for Maharishi Jyotish services. And if these individuals are added, there is a one-time charge ($300) for each person you chose to add.

However, if a parent, spouse, or child is already registered—or currently registering—they can be added to your Comprehensive Birth Chart and you to theirs at no additional charge.

Likewise, a Comprehensive Birth Chart Analysis for a business or organization integrates the Birth Charts of the organization's key leaders.

All the above options will be available below.



  • In Part One of this application, you will first provide your own birth data. If you have registered for Maharishi Jyotish Services before 2016, please note this in the “Any Other Remarks” field in the first section below.
  • In Part Two you may add birth data for any close relatives you wish to have included in your Comprehensive Birth Chart Analysis. It is a requirement of our international DATA PROTECTION AND PRIVACY POLICY that you obtain consent for anyone you add before completing this application.
  • Before applying, you will need to research birth information for yourself and any relatives who will be included in the registration of your Comprehensive Birth Chart. You can print a copy of this form to use as a worksheet while you gather the requested information. CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR WORKSHEET


Fields followed by an asterisk (*) are mandatory

Your Personal Information

Your Birth Location

NOTE: If you were born in a town with less than 10,000 population, please indicate below the nearest town with more than 10,000 residents, and the distance and direction in miles or kilometers from that town to your birthplace.
For example: 18 miles northeast of Lexington, Kentucky.

Your Birth Date and Time


NOTE: A correct birth time is the essential basis for the effectiveness of the Maharishi Jyotish program. Some suggested sources for this information are listed in the drop-down menu above.

If your birth time is known to be accurate to the hour and minutes (seconds are optional), please proceed with the application. If you do not know the hour and minutes of your birth, please do not proceed but conduct further research.

If your birth time is only known within a four-hour period, the Maharishi Jyotish Pandits may be able to identify the correct time through an analysis of significant events in your life. This in-depth research is a paid Maharishi Jyotish service and is available HERE.

Your Participation in the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) Program

Print Application

You may print this registration form for future reference. CLICK HERE

When your registration is submitted you will receive an email confirming the data submitted. If you need to make changes to your application after submitting it online, please contact your Regional Administrative Office. CLICK HERE FOR REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES

Part Two

In the next step, you will have the opportunity to add any living relatives to be included in your Comprehensive Birth Chart analysis. There is no charge for any parent, spouse, or child who has already personally registered or is simultaneously registering.

Family members who will not be personally registered can be added to your Comprehensive Birth Chart at a charge of $300 per person.